We have created a curriculum teaching people who want to 3D Print. We are offering the classes for free until further notice. We will be charging in the future and as long as you are signed up you will always get it for free. If you are more into Digital Prints and How to 3D Modeling please refer to our Moreland3D Website. We are using a CR-10 Printer but generally the basics are all the same for each printer.

Using the Slicer

We just wanted to go over a few steps before testing your print. There’s a few things that are very beneficial to know.

Lesson 1

Picking the right settings

Lessons 2

Checking if layers are setup

Lessons 3

Choosing how to print

Using your Printer

First we will go over all the steps for setting up the printer

Lesson 1

Leveling your machine.

Lesson 2

Changing Filament

Working with Filament

We will go over how we use filaments. Every filament is different but we will go over different ways to trouble shoot